We love maps. A good map is worth a thousand words. Effective in presenting data and bringing your message across. Have a look at these examples.
CartoTool helps you make your own maps. Easy and affordable, stylish and professional. Share your maps with clients, team members or the entire CartoTool community. Snoop around in our CartoTool library and pick the map that suits your needs.
CartoTool. Easy and affordable. Stylish and professional.

Our pricing structure is like our software “tailor made”.
History and development
We built our first CartoTool in 2005. Now, 15 years later, our tool has developed into an instrument that can be used online by an infinite number of people at the same time, is linked to countless data sources and provides a platform for sharing your maps with anyone you want. Join us in shaping the future of CartoTool.
Share our vision
Enrich your mapping projects or become a content creator. Together in the CartoTool.
Please contact if you have any questions.